Owner: Roger Levy — Neuilly s/Seine, France
Collection: (LY) Roger Levy's apartment in Neuilly sur Seine was requisitioned by German officers on 13 August 1940. Whatever they did not take was removed by a unit of the ERR on 22 March 1944 and transferred to the Jeu de Paume for processing and shipment to Nikolsburg.
Inventory No.: LY 1 a,b 1-19
Kiste Nr. LY 6
Artist: 1795, a) John Russel--1745 Guildford 1806 London b) W. Skelton
Medium: Works on Paper
Title: a) Porträt des Reverend George Gioson [Gibson], b) Stich nach dem Bilde von Russell
Description: a) Pastell auf Papier
b) Stich
a) Porträt des Reverend George Gibson in schwarzem Priestergewand mit gepudertem Haar, auf Stuhl sitzend, ein Buch in der Rechten haltend. Im Hintergrund roter Vorhang unf Säule. Links Blick auf Landschaft
b) Stich nach dem Bilde von Russell
a) Pastell auf Papier
H. 91,5 - Br. 80 cm
b) Stich (Kupferstich)
22 x 17,5 cm
a und b unter Glas gerahmt
sign.: s. Rücks.
In Paris: März 1944
a) Links oben signiert mit Blei: J. Russell R.A. pt. 1795
b) Unterschrift: In Token of Esteem to the Memory of the Revd. George Gibson M.A. This Plate is respectfully dedicated to Mrs. Gibson by the Gentelmen educated under him at Carlisle House School.
Literature: The painting by John Russel was reproduced in a catalogue at Galerie Georges Petit in Paris on 13 May 1925. It was on display in an exhibit entitled "Cent Pastels." According to Roger Levy's inventory, it was acquired at an auction sale on 12 May 1925.
Provenance and Comments: Presumably destroyed by fire at the Castle of Nikolsburg in April 1945, the object was placed in Room 55 of the Castle at Nikolsburg.
Archival Sources: RG 260 M1943 Reel 12 NARA; Bundesarchiv, B323/275, B323/300; RA 608, RV 103, MAEE, Paris, France
Measurements: 91,5 x 80 cm; 22 x 17,5 cm
Framed? Yes
Signed? Yes
Intake place: 128, Blvd. Maurice Barres, Neuilly sur Seine
Intake date: 1944-03-22
Transfer place: Jeu de Paume
Transfer date: 1944-03-24
Transfer place: Nikolsburg
Transfer date: 1944-05-04