Owner: Comtesse Berthe Colloredo-Mansfeld — St. Lary (Auch), Gers, France
Collection: (Col. (CCL)) Colloredo-Mansfeld-The Graefin Berthe [Berthi] Colloredo-Mansfeld geb. Koloredo lived since 1926 in St. Lary, a small village near Auch, Gers, France. She and the rest of her family were declared "enemies of the Reich" in 1942 which led to a Europe-wide confiscation of the family's assets stretching from France to Czechoslovakia. After WWII, her son Josef took charge of the recovery of the family's confiscated assets which were located in Austria.
Inventory No.: Col 7
Kiste Nr. COL 1
Artist: 2. H. 18.Jh., Meißen
Medium: Decorative Arts
Title: Untertasse zu Nr. 6 in gelängter Vierpausform.
Description: Porzellan farbig bemalt mit Golddekor. In fünf Felder geteilt, ovales Mittelfeld mit geteilter Tulpe, am Rand zwei gelbgrundige Felder mit rosavioletten und blauen Blumen und zwei weißgrundige Felder mit figürlichen Szenen: Mutter und vor ihr sitzendes Kind in Landschaft. Frau in Landschaft auf einem Block sitzend, neben ihr stehend ein Mädchen. Felder goldeingefaßt. Blaue Schwertermarke.
3 cm. hoch
13,8 - 12 cm.
Provenance and Comments: All items were repatriated to France in 1948.
Archival Sources: RG 260 M1943 Reel 2 NARA; Bundesarchiv, B323/267; RV 103, MAEE, Paris, France
Measurements: 3 cm; 13,8-12 cm
Intake place: Lot 1074, Garde-Meubles Chenue, 5, rue de la Terrasse, Paris
Transfer place: Jeu de Paume
Transfer date: 1942-02-06
Transfer place: Jeu de Paume
Transfer date: 1942-02-06
Transfer place: Seissenegg
Transfer date: 1943-11-18
Repatriated to France? Yes
Repatriation date: 1948-00-00
Restituted? No