Owner: Alfred Cahen — Bruxelles, Belgique
Collection: (CA) Cahen (Belgium)
Inventory No.: Cahen 8
Medium: Paintings
Provenance and Comments: The only Cahen inventoried at the Jeu de Paume by the ERR was Cahen d'Anvers from Brussels. Hence, we assign this item which remains undescribed but, due to its number, hints at the fact that many other art objects removed from the Cahen d'Anvers collection in Brussels and brought to Paris were not formally inventoried but were assigned an initial alpha numeric--in this case, CAHEN [CA] 8.
Archival Sources: Bundesarchiv, B323/267; RV 103, MAEE, Paris, France
Intake place: 51, avenue des Cerusiers, Bruxelles
Transfer place: Jeu de Paume
Transfer date: 1944-03-00