Owner: Gabrielle Philippson Benard de Pontois [Bénard Le Pontois] — Paris, France
Collection: (BPO) Mme. Benard de Pontois
Inventory No.: [MA-B 976]
Artist: Sir Thomas Lawrence (attribué à)
Medium: Paintings
Title: Portrait de Miss Barlett [Farley/Scarlett[]
Description: toile grandeur nature
Provenance and Comments: This painting is identical to the one described under MA-B 976. If so, this means that the painting was taken to Paris from Brussels, as part of a transfer of works confiscated in the Brussels area under the aegis of the ERR. The question remains: as indicated in MA-B 976, did it go to an ERR depot at Place des Etats-Unis before being transferred for "processing" at the Jeu de Paume?
Archival Sources: AR 2/AGR 2/Depot Joseph Cuvelier-020-505, Bruxelles, Belgique;
Transfer place: German occupation forces
Transfer place: Jeu de Paume