Owner: Edouard de Rothschild — Paris, France
Collection: (R) Rothschild
Inventory No.: R 175
Aus Kiste Nr.: R 60
Nr. 3042.
Artist: Louis XVI, Französisch
Medium: Decorative Arts
Title: Kommode
Description: Gegenstück zu R 167 (siehe dort).
Marmorplatte fehlt.
Schlüssel nicht verschlossen (offen).

AGF/Spa Dr.Sch.
Grösse: H. 91 - Br. 81 - T. 38 cm.

Anhängender Zettel: Edouard Rothschild
Provenance and Comments: Repatriation to France occurred in two parts: the marble was returned on 19 October 1945 while the 'Kommode' was returned on 9 January 1945. Although the description indicates that the counterpart is R 167, the actual counterpart is R 163.
Archival Sources: RG 260 M1943 Reel 17 NARA; Bundesarchiv, B323/280, B323/304
Measurements: 91 x 81 x 38 cm
Transfer place: Jeu de Paume
Transfer place: Lager Peter
Transfer date: 1944-10-27
Munich No.: 3756
Repatriated to France? Yes
Repatriation date: 1945-01-09
Restituted? Yes