Owner: Maurice de Rothschild — Paris, France
Collection: (R) Rothschild
Inventory No.: R 2339 a-c
Kiste Nr. RP 981
[R 1477 a-c?]
Artist: Louis XV, Französisch
Medium: Decorative Arts
Title: Drei Stühle
Description: Nussbaum, geschnitzt, an den Unterkanten u. Rückenlehnen Muscheln und Blattornamentik in Flachrelief. Geschweifte Beine.
52 x 100 x 46 cm
Provenance and Comments: This particular set of chairs was transferred to the Dienststelle Westen and was not assigned a new R number by the ERR staff at the Jeu de Paume. Their description shows some similarities with R 1477 a-c but the measurements are off and description details vary between R 1477 and R 2339.
Archival Sources: Bundesarchiv, B323/293; RV 103, MAEE, Paris, France
Measurements: 54 x 100 x 46 cm
Intake place: Bedel et Cie., 194, rue de Championnet, Paris
Transfer place: Bruno Lohse/V-Mann Henry
Transfer place: Jeu de Paume
Transfer date: 1942-09-19
Transfer place: Dienststelle Westen