Owner: Maurice de Rothschild — Paris, France
Collection: (R) Rothschild
Inventory No.: R 1542
(ex-R 2251)
Kiste Nr. HG 5
Artist: 1733, Coypel
Medium: Paintings
Title: Fête champêtre. Vielfigurige Komposition. 
Description: Motive aus der Oper: Roland und Angelikas Hochzeit. Im Vordergrund Theaterstück. Jüngling in Ritterrüstung vor einer Schäferin kniend. Im Hintergrund Durchblick durch einen Torbogen in eine Grotte mit Nymphenbrunnen, wo ein junges Paar vor einer Zuschauergruppe tanzt. Rechts Figurengruppe um einen Baumstamm mit Inschrift: "Angelique engage son coeur, Medor en est vainqueur. Que Medor est heuraux Angelique a comblé ses veux".
Oel auf Lwd., 131 x 194 cm.
Gerahmt Fassung: Gerahmt.
Bezeichnet Signatur: unten rechts sign.:paint en 1733 par Ch.Coypel qui la remis en grand la mesme année pour le roi.
Verbleib: H G.
Provenance and Comments: Confiscated from Maurice de Rothschild depot of Bedel & Cie., 194, rue de Championnet, Paris. According to written observations made by Rose Valland, she spotted this painting with the stamp R 2251 on its back. However, it and many other objects in the Rothschild collection were renumbered and reinventoried i 1942. If Rose Valland did not find any evidence of it being crated at the Jeu de Paume, it might be because this painting by Coypel had been set aside for Hermann Goering. Valland even went to Dr. Borchers to discuss this matter, suspecting some underhanded move by Dr. Lohse. [Rose Valland note, 14 April 1943] The painting was eventually deposited at the Louvre after being transferred to French museum officials by Dr. Bunjes, head of the German Art Historical Institute in Paris, in March 1944.
Archival Sources: RG 260 M1943 Reel 19 NARA; Bundesarchiv, B323/281, B323/293; RV 103, MAEE, Paris, France; R-15-2-d, Archives des Musees Nationaux, Paris, France
Measurements: 131 x 194 cm
Framed? Yes
Signed? Yes
Intake place: Bedel et Cie., 194, rue de Championnet, Paris
Transfer place: Bruno Lohse/V-Mann Henry
Transfer place: Jeu de Paume
Transfer date: 1942-09-19
Transfer place: H G.
Transfer place: 54, Avenue d’Iena, Paris
Transfer date: 1943-01-28
Transfer place: Louvre
Transfer date: 1944-03-15
Restituted? Yes