Owner: Maurice de Rothschild — Paris, France
Collection: (R) Rothschild
Inventory No.: R 1541
(ex-R 2211)
H.G. Liste I
Kiste Nr. HG 21
Artist: 1480, Niederländisch
Medium: Paintings
Title: Meister der Lucia-Legende: Teilstück eines Altars.
Description: Madonna mit Kind, links heilige Ursula mit Bär, rechts heilige Catharina, im Hintergrund Flusslandschaft und Dorf mit Kirche.
Öl auf Holz,
104 x 58 cm.
Verbleib: H G.
Provenance and Comments: Confiscated from Maurice de Rothschild depot of Bedel & Cie., 194, rue de Championnet, Paris. There is contradictory information regarding the repatriation of this painting to France. According to annotations on the ERR inventory, R 1541 was repatriated to France on 7 January 1947. According to information at the Munich Central Collecting Point (MCCP), R 1541 was transferred in June 1949 by the MFA&A to the Minister-President of Bavaria, pending further investigation as to the origin of the painting, despite the fact that it is clearly marked as an ERR seizure from the collection of Maurice de Rothschild. An exit date of 1 February 1961 is listed in the MCCP database with no further explanation. Until additional information is forthcoming, this painting cannot be marked as having been restituted.
Archival Sources: RG 260 M1943 Reel 19 NARA; Bundesarchiv, B323/281, B323/293; RV 103, MAEE, Paris, France
Measurements: 104 x 58 cm
Intake place: Bedel et Cie., 194, rue de Championnet, Paris
Transfer place: Bruno Lohse/V-Mann Henry
Transfer place: Jeu de Paume
Transfer date: 1942-09-19
Transfer place: H G.
Transfer date: 1942-11-25
Transfer place: 54, Avenue d’Iena, Paris
Transfer date: 1943-01-28
Munich No.: 5584
Repatriated to France? Yes
Repatriation date: 1947-01-07