Owner: Erwin Rosenthal — Paris, France
Collection: (Rost) Erwin Rosenthal--The Rosenthal collection was among the first to be plundered by representatives of the ERR acting in concert with local Gestapo agents in Paris. His apartment was ultimately emptied in the fall of 1942 during the so-called M-Aktion. Although it is impossible to date with certainty when the first thefts took place, some of Rosenthal's belongings were comingled with those of other collections which had been plundered in early 1941. As a result, many of Mr. Rosenthal's art objects are listed as "UNB". Some crates containing his property include the letters "EM" which are the initials of his street address while others are designated by the moniker assigned by the ERR to his collection (ROS or ROST).
Inventory No.: Rost 3
Kiste Nr. DIV [Divers] IMP 31
Kiste Nr. [ex-Divers 14]
Artist: 1849, Heinemann, David, (geb. 1819 in Schlipsheim in Schreben; gest. 1902 in München)
Medium: Paintings
Title: Bildnis einer Dame im schwarzen Kleid
Description: Tüllkragen und Brosche. Körper nach links, Blick dem Beschauer zugewandt.
29,3 x 23,3 cm
Alter vergoldeter Rahmen des 18.Jh.
links unten: Heinemann 1849
Provenance and Comments:
Archival Sources: RG 260 M1943 Reel 25 NARA; Bundesarchiv, B323/279, B323/545; RA 33, RV 103, MAEE, Paris, France
Measurements: 29,3 x 23,3 cm
Framed? Yes
Intake place: 45, rue Emile Menier, Paris
Transfer place: Jeu de Paume
Transfer place: Buxheim
Transfer date: 1943-11-25
Restituted? Yes
Restitution date: 1947-09-27