Collection Code: Al. R.
Description: (Alexandrine) Sammlung Rothschild--Most of the objects classified by the ERR as Al. R. belonged to Alexandrine de Rotschild. They were stolen from her Paris apartment, various bank vaults and her estate in Boulogne-sur-Seine. The thefts began in earnest in the summer of 1940 and did not stop until midway through 1941. You can find items belonging to Alexandrine de Rothschild in the BoR, Al. R and R collections as well as in the Wbg collection.
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Confiscated from (owner): Alexandrine de Rothschild
Confiscated at (place): Societe Generale, 112 avenue Kleber, Paris
Confiscated from (owner): Alexandrine de Rothschild
Confiscated at (place): Chateau de Boulogne